20 February 2011

the doors in Venice

While I've been in Italy the doors have really stood out to me. Ever since I was a little girl, my mom and I have always talked about what we would change about our house in New Jersey: Higher ceilings, Less interior walls, a little more counter space, arched hallway openings, open stairs, and of course the front door. I'm not sure if we usually talk about what makes a good front door but I know my front door at home has some good personality. It's solid wood, painted basically Kelly Green, with a gold door knocker. But even better then that depending on the season (temperature) the door shrinks or grows within its door frame. You can tell because in the winter it squeaks when you open it and in the summer it's as if nothing was ever wrong. It has personality to me, and I like it. It has stood the test of time for my life (since I've lived in the same house my whole life)
However, you can imagine my mother doesn't like the fact that it squeaks during the winter, which started us on the topic, when we go somewhere together, about beautiful front doors. I guess we both agree (my mom and I) that the front door is what makes a building, it's usually the first thing the someone who's entering the building is going to see up close and touch. The front door has to stand strong to the test, of, does it work or does it make you wonder why would you pick that door. 
So through out my whole time in Italy I've been picking up on the little details and been noticing every door in Italy is different. They aren't as a majority, mass produced. Each on of these pictures have a strong personality, I mean I noticed them. And I always have my eye out for the best doors. 

On the water front in Venice, the weather of the metal and the contrast of the flowers is what really got me to notice this one

This door was to the Guggenheim Museum. It was beautiful, the metal intertwines the stones and makes a transparent entrance way 

This door wasn't really a door, but i imagined it as on once. I thought it was kind f funny where you could play a trick on people, Oh yeah come on in off of so and so street. It was a Non-door.

This building's simitery was what caught my eye, and the detailed rod iron on the doors and windows

The rod iron was so intricate that the door began to look like lace 

This is a mirrored door that reflected the grand canal and me as I snapped the picture of it

Graffiti door rusting it was beautiful in its own way

Pink and Blue doors they were almost like a painting

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